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  • AccessON Peer Review Management System Plus Open Access peer-review system ACOMS+ is a scholarly peer-review system that incorporates the publication standards of a scholarly journal,
    while supporting open peer review, self-archiving, open data,
    and journal indexing at global citation databases.
  • AccessON Peer Review Management System Plus Connecting to Open Access Platform, AccessON
    • Through AccessON membership, co-authored manuscripts before/after peer-review can be deposited to the AccessON repository.
    • AccessON provides a dashboard with all the history of submission, review, and publication history of subscribed scholarly journals.
    • Possible to manage a scholarly publication life-cycle from manuscript submission to distribution on an admin page. (if a journal also uses an AccessON journal repository)
  • AccessON Peer Review Management System Plus Open Peer Review ACOMS+ provides an open peer review option
    with open identities of authors and reviews, open reports, and open comments.
    (Apply selectively according to journal policy)


ACOMS+(AccessON Peer Review Management System Plus)
is a peer-review management system to support a manuscript submission, review, decision process, and data management.
ACOMS+supports different scholarly peer-review models with flexible and efficient workflow and system configurations.
ACOMS+ AccessON Peer Review Management System Plus Author Submits Managing
Configuration of
submission options
Configuration of
review options
ACOMS+ is being used by global users.
Easy to use based on the role of authors, reviewers, editors, and EIC(Editor-in-Chief).
  • Author Submitting a manuscript
    Tracking the review status of a manuscript
  • Editor-in-Chief Receiving a manuscript
    Requesting modification
    Assigning and managing editors
    Submitting final evaluation
  • Editor Assigning and managing reviewers
    Submitting review recommendation
  • Reviewer Accepting/Declining review invitation
    Submitting review report
    Issuing peer-review certificates

Data status (156 journals)

ACOMS+ is used by 156 journals globally
Open Access
OA 99 journals
non-OA 57 journals
Peer review policy
Single Blind 72 journals
Double Blind 84 journals
Journal index
Subject area
Peer review status
  • Submission 39,094 papers Under submission 6,386 papers Submitted 32,708 papers
  • Review 31,531 papers Under review 2,811 papers Review completed 28,720 papers
  • Decision 28,720 papers Accept 18,446 papers Reject 10,274 papers