Even after the review deadline, you can submit review comments and results in the [Current Review > Under Review] menu. However, please complete the review before the deadline to expedite the peer review process.
You can check the manuscript review history in the [Past Review > Completed Review] of the Reviewer menu. In the [My Page > My Review] menu, you can check the review history of the journal and get a review certificate.
Once review comments have been submitted, you cannot change the review comments and results of a manuscript.
After accepting the review in the [Current Review > Accept/Decline Review] of the Reviewer menu, you can review the manuscript in the [Current Review > Under Review] menu.
Non-members can also review. You can proceed with the review as a non-member by clicking the non-member review link in the review invitation email. However, it is recommended that you sign up as a member in order to utilize various functions provided by ACOMS+, such as review history management.